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Traditional Scandinavian Spirit Travel

In Sweden, the traditional Art of Spirit Travel is called "Trollritt". It is depicted in popular media through the classic image of a "Påskkärring", a witch riding on a broom on her way to the legendary location of Blåkulla, the Blue/Black Hill. In Easter, we still have a widespread mumming tradition during which children dress out as witches and roam around the neighbourhood to beg for candy. What is this all about? Why are they riding? Why brooms? What is with the coffe pot? And the older gothic term from which our word "Häxa" derrives - "Hagzuzza", means "Fence Rider". It all makes sense once you know the myths, the actual purposes and the techniques behind it. Learn this along with modern additions and applications at one of our Spirit Travel Weekends. Or perhaps right now? The three hour lecture, preparing and teaching all students who want to join our weekend training journeying is avaliable in recorded version. Sign up and watch it today!




Exploring and Experiencing.

Travelling for the simple purpose of experiencing is a great way to renew ones energy. Group travel in spirit is not all different from its physical counterpart.


Connecting with Ancestors

Our spirit is not limited by time. Trollritt can be used to meet Ancestors and explore what a location was like in the past, as well as connect to other spirits of benefit.

Jakob Lytts Gräneby Jaak Terjärv.jpg

Working on location.

What can be done while visiting a location or a person through spirit travel? During the weekend we practice and explore differnt options andd ways of working.


Upcomming Trollritt Weekends

  • Trollritt - Scandinavian Spirit Travel weekend.
    Trollritt - Scandinavian Spirit Travel weekend.
    Fri, 22 Nov
    22 Nov 2024, 18:00 – 24 Nov 2024, 21:00
    22 Nov 2024, 18:00 – 24 Nov 2024, 21:00
    Lecture and technique teaching on Friday. Travel and Work on Saturday & Sunday. Join for all, two or one day.
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